地理标志产品--化橘红,是指在化橘红地理标志产品保护范围内种植,以芸香科植物化州柚 Citrus grandis ‘Tomentosa’鲜果经过加工而成的质量符合《地理标志产品 化橘红》地方标准要求的产品。....
云浮 茂名两地开展跨区域知识产权保护工作交流
(新2023)DB4409T06-2019地理标志产品 化橘红
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SELECT `field` FROM `tp_field` WHERE ( field = 'pid' OR field = 'parent_id' ) AND `module_id` = 20 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.000350s ]
SELECT `id`,`cate_name`,`parent_id` FROM `tp_cate` ORDER BY `sort` ASC,`id` DESC [ RunTime:0.000279s ]
SELECT `id` FROM `tp_cate` WHERE `module_id` = 19 [ RunTime:0.000269s ]
SELECT * FROM `tp_module` WHERE `model_name` = 'UsersType' LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.000358s ]
SELECT * FROM `tp_field` WHERE `module_id` = 6 AND `field` = 'sort' LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.000386s ]
SELECT * FROM `tp_module` WHERE `model_name` = 'UsersType' LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.000323s ]
SELECT `id` FROM `tp_module` WHERE `model_name` = 'UsersType' LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.000239s ]
SELECT `field` FROM `tp_field` WHERE ( field = 'pid' OR field = 'parent_id' ) AND `module_id` = 6 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.000353s ]
SHOW FULL COLUMNS FROM `tp_users_type` [ RunTime:0.000516s ]
SELECT `id`,`name` FROM `tp_users_type` ORDER BY `sort` ASC,`id` DESC [ RunTime:0.000256s ]
SELECT * FROM `tp_field` WHERE `module_id` = 19 [ RunTime:0.000776s ]
SELECT * FROM `tp_module` WHERE `id` = 19 [ RunTime:0.000364s ]
SELECT * FROM `tp_dictionary_type` WHERE `id` IN (0,1) [ RunTime:0.000505s ]
SELECT * FROM `tp_field` WHERE `module_id` = 19 [ RunTime:0.001071s ]
SELECT * FROM `tp_module` WHERE `id` = 19 [ RunTime:0.000439s ]
SELECT * FROM `tp_dictionary_type` WHERE `id` IN (0,1) [ RunTime:0.000451s ]
SELECT * FROM `tp_field` WHERE `module_id` = 19 [ RunTime:0.000947s ]
SELECT * FROM `tp_module` WHERE `id` = 19 [ RunTime:0.000491s ]
SELECT * FROM `tp_dictionary_type` WHERE `id` IN (0,1) [ RunTime:0.000405s ]
SELECT * FROM `tp_field` WHERE `module_id` = 19 [ RunTime:0.000909s ]
SELECT * FROM `tp_module` WHERE `id` = 19 [ RunTime:0.000484s ]
SELECT * FROM `tp_dictionary_type` WHERE `id` IN (0,1) [ RunTime:0.000391s ]
SELECT * FROM `tp_field` WHERE `module_id` = 19 [ RunTime:0.000956s ]
SELECT * FROM `tp_module` WHERE `id` = 19 [ RunTime:0.000419s ]
SELECT * FROM `tp_dictionary_type` WHERE `id` IN (0,1) [ RunTime:0.000358s ]
SELECT * FROM `tp_field` WHERE `module_id` = 19 [ RunTime:0.001164s ]
SELECT * FROM `tp_module` WHERE `id` = 19 [ RunTime:0.000478s ]
SELECT * FROM `tp_dictionary_type` WHERE `id` IN (0,1) [ RunTime:0.000406s ]
SELECT * FROM `tp_field` WHERE `module_id` = 19 [ RunTime:0.000990s ]
SELECT * FROM `tp_module` WHERE `id` = 19 [ RunTime:0.000359s ]
SELECT * FROM `tp_dictionary_type` WHERE `id` IN (0,1) [ RunTime:0.000359s ]
SELECT * FROM `tp_field` WHERE `module_id` = 19 [ RunTime:0.000780s ]
SELECT * FROM `tp_module` WHERE `id` = 19 [ RunTime:0.000437s ]
SELECT * FROM `tp_dictionary_type` WHERE `id` IN (0,1) [ RunTime:0.000360s ]
SELECT * FROM `tp_cate` WHERE `id` = 16 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.000431s ]
SELECT * FROM `tp_module` WHERE `id` = 19 [ RunTime:0.000312s ]
SELECT * FROM `tp_cate` WHERE `id` = 16 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.000316s ]
SELECT * FROM `tp_module` WHERE `id` = 19 [ RunTime:0.000307s ]
SELECT * FROM `tp_cate` WHERE `id` = 16 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.000357s ]
SELECT * FROM `tp_module` WHERE `id` = 19 [ RunTime:0.000493s ]
SELECT `id`,`parent_id` FROM `tp_cate` [ RunTime:0.000446s ]
SELECT * FROM `tp_article` WHERE ( status = 1 ) AND `cate_id` = 16 ORDER BY `sort` ASC,`id` DESC LIMIT 8 [ RunTime:0.000559s ]
SELECT * FROM `tp_cate` WHERE `id` = 16 [ RunTime:0.000400s ]
SELECT * FROM `tp_cate` WHERE `id` = 16 [ RunTime:0.000319s ]
SELECT * FROM `tp_module` WHERE `id` = 19 [ RunTime:0.000365s ]
SELECT * FROM `tp_field` WHERE `module_id` = 19 [ RunTime:0.000834s ]
SELECT * FROM `tp_module` WHERE `id` = 19 [ RunTime:0.000346s ]
SELECT * FROM `tp_dictionary_type` WHERE `id` IN (0,1) [ RunTime:0.000372s ]
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SELECT * FROM `tp_module` WHERE `model_name` = 'Cate' LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.000452s ]
SELECT * FROM `tp_field` WHERE `module_id` = 20 AND `field` = 'sort' LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.000658s ]
SELECT * FROM `tp_module` WHERE `model_name` = 'Cate' LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.000377s ]
SELECT `id` FROM `tp_module` WHERE `model_name` = 'Cate' LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.000296s ]
SELECT `field` FROM `tp_field` WHERE ( field = 'pid' OR field = 'parent_id' ) AND `module_id` = 20 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.000371s ]
SELECT `id`,`cate_name`,`parent_id` FROM `tp_cate` ORDER BY `sort` ASC,`id` DESC [ RunTime:0.000418s ]
SELECT `id` FROM `tp_cate` WHERE `module_id` = 19 [ RunTime:0.000290s ]
SELECT * FROM `tp_module` WHERE `model_name` = 'UsersType' LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.000339s ]
SELECT * FROM `tp_field` WHERE `module_id` = 6 AND `field` = 'sort' LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.000418s ]
SELECT * FROM `tp_module` WHERE `model_name` = 'UsersType' LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.000357s ]
SELECT `id` FROM `tp_module` WHERE `model_name` = 'UsersType' LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.000365s ]
SELECT `field` FROM `tp_field` WHERE ( field = 'pid' OR field = 'parent_id' ) AND `module_id` = 6 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.000398s ]
SELECT `id`,`name` FROM `tp_users_type` ORDER BY `sort` ASC,`id` DESC [ RunTime:0.000333s ]
SELECT * FROM `tp_field` WHERE `module_id` = 19 [ RunTime:0.001285s ]
SELECT * FROM `tp_module` WHERE `id` = 19 [ RunTime:0.000526s ]
SELECT * FROM `tp_dictionary_type` WHERE `id` IN (0,1) [ RunTime:0.000441s ]
SELECT * FROM `tp_cate` WHERE `id` = 17 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.000485s ]
SELECT * FROM `tp_module` WHERE `id` = 19 [ RunTime:0.000321s ]
SELECT * FROM `tp_cate` WHERE `id` = 17 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.000327s ]
SELECT * FROM `tp_module` WHERE `id` = 19 [ RunTime:0.000309s ]
SELECT * FROM `tp_cate` WHERE `id` = 17 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.000302s ]
SELECT * FROM `tp_module` WHERE `id` = 19 [ RunTime:0.000362s ]
SELECT `id`,`parent_id` FROM `tp_cate` [ RunTime:0.000298s ]
SELECT * FROM `tp_article` WHERE ( status = 1 ) AND `cate_id` = 17 ORDER BY `sort` ASC,`id` DESC LIMIT 8 [ RunTime:0.000622s ]
SELECT * FROM `tp_cate` WHERE `id` = 17 [ RunTime:0.000383s ]
SELECT * FROM `tp_cate` WHERE `id` = 17 [ RunTime:0.000360s ]
SELECT * FROM `tp_module` WHERE `id` = 19 [ RunTime:0.000447s ]
SELECT * FROM `tp_field` WHERE `module_id` = 19 [ RunTime:0.000860s ]
SELECT * FROM `tp_module` WHERE `id` = 19 [ RunTime:0.000493s ]
SELECT * FROM `tp_dictionary_type` WHERE `id` IN (0,1) [ RunTime:0.000489s ]
SELECT `dict_value`,`dict_label` FROM `tp_dictionary` WHERE `dict_type` = '1' ORDER BY `sort` ASC,`id` DESC [ RunTime:0.000792s ]
SELECT * FROM `tp_module` WHERE `model_name` = 'Cate' LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.000492s ]
SELECT * FROM `tp_field` WHERE `module_id` = 20 AND `field` = 'sort' LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.000748s ]
SELECT * FROM `tp_module` WHERE `model_name` = 'Cate' LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.000456s ]
SELECT `id` FROM `tp_module` WHERE `model_name` = 'Cate' LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.000314s ]
SELECT `field` FROM `tp_field` WHERE ( field = 'pid' OR field = 'parent_id' ) AND `module_id` = 20 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.000489s ]
SELECT `id`,`cate_name`,`parent_id` FROM `tp_cate` ORDER BY `sort` ASC,`id` DESC [ RunTime:0.000386s ]
SELECT `id` FROM `tp_cate` WHERE `module_id` = 19 [ RunTime:0.000456s ]
SELECT * FROM `tp_module` WHERE `model_name` = 'UsersType' LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.000366s ]
SELECT * FROM `tp_field` WHERE `module_id` = 6 AND `field` = 'sort' LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.000465s ]
SELECT * FROM `tp_module` WHERE `model_name` = 'UsersType' LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.000305s ]
SELECT `id` FROM `tp_module` WHERE `model_name` = 'UsersType' LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.000242s ]
SELECT `field` FROM `tp_field` WHERE ( field = 'pid' OR field = 'parent_id' ) AND `module_id` = 6 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.000505s ]
SELECT `id`,`name` FROM `tp_users_type` ORDER BY `sort` ASC,`id` DESC [ RunTime:0.000244s ]
SELECT * FROM `tp_field` WHERE `module_id` = 19 [ RunTime:0.000849s ]
SELECT * FROM `tp_module` WHERE `id` = 19 [ RunTime:0.000378s ]
SELECT * FROM `tp_dictionary_type` WHERE `id` IN (0,1) [ RunTime:0.000369s ]
SELECT * FROM `tp_field` WHERE `module_id` = 19 [ RunTime:0.001222s ]
SELECT * FROM `tp_module` WHERE `id` = 19 [ RunTime:0.000388s ]
SELECT * FROM `tp_dictionary_type` WHERE `id` IN (0,1) [ RunTime:0.000311s ]
SELECT * FROM `tp_field` WHERE `module_id` = 19 [ RunTime:0.001415s ]
SELECT * FROM `tp_module` WHERE `id` = 19 [ RunTime:0.000454s ]
SELECT * FROM `tp_dictionary_type` WHERE `id` IN (0,1) [ RunTime:0.000470s ]
SELECT * FROM `tp_field` WHERE `module_id` = 19 [ RunTime:0.001215s ]
SELECT * FROM `tp_module` WHERE `id` = 19 [ RunTime:0.000547s ]
SELECT * FROM `tp_dictionary_type` WHERE `id` IN (0,1) [ RunTime:0.000480s ]
SELECT * FROM `tp_field` WHERE `module_id` = 19 [ RunTime:0.001110s ]
SELECT * FROM `tp_module` WHERE `id` = 19 [ RunTime:0.000430s ]
SELECT * FROM `tp_dictionary_type` WHERE `id` IN (0,1) [ RunTime:0.000439s ]
SELECT * FROM `tp_field` WHERE `module_id` = 19 [ RunTime:0.001155s ]
SELECT * FROM `tp_module` WHERE `id` = 19 [ RunTime:0.000515s ]
SELECT * FROM `tp_dictionary_type` WHERE `id` IN (0,1) [ RunTime:0.000533s ]
SELECT * FROM `tp_field` WHERE `module_id` = 19 [ RunTime:0.000991s ]
SELECT * FROM `tp_module` WHERE `id` = 19 [ RunTime:0.000511s ]
SELECT * FROM `tp_dictionary_type` WHERE `id` IN (0,1) [ RunTime:0.000370s ]
SELECT * FROM `tp_field` WHERE `module_id` = 19 [ RunTime:0.000850s ]
SELECT * FROM `tp_module` WHERE `id` = 19 [ RunTime:0.000448s ]
SELECT * FROM `tp_dictionary_type` WHERE `id` IN (0,1) [ RunTime:0.000563s ]
SELECT * FROM `tp_cate` WHERE `id` = 11 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.000559s ]
SELECT * FROM `tp_module` WHERE `id` = 19 [ RunTime:0.000478s ]
SELECT * FROM `tp_cate` WHERE `id` = 11 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.000473s ]
SELECT * FROM `tp_module` WHERE `id` = 19 [ RunTime:0.000338s ]
SELECT * FROM `tp_cate` WHERE `id` = 11 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.000422s ]
SELECT * FROM `tp_module` WHERE `id` = 19 [ RunTime:0.000485s ]
SELECT `id`,`parent_id` FROM `tp_cate` [ RunTime:0.000370s ]
SELECT * FROM `tp_article` WHERE ( status = 1 ) AND `cate_id` = 11 ORDER BY `sort` ASC,`id` DESC LIMIT 8 [ RunTime:0.000589s ]
SELECT * FROM `tp_cate` WHERE `id` = 11 [ RunTime:0.000442s ]
SELECT * FROM `tp_cate` WHERE `id` = 11 [ RunTime:0.000648s ]
SELECT * FROM `tp_module` WHERE `id` = 19 [ RunTime:0.000399s ]
SELECT * FROM `tp_field` WHERE `module_id` = 19 [ RunTime:0.000764s ]
SELECT * FROM `tp_module` WHERE `id` = 19 [ RunTime:0.000346s ]
SELECT * FROM `tp_dictionary_type` WHERE `id` IN (0,1) [ RunTime:0.000379s ]
SELECT `dict_value`,`dict_label` FROM `tp_dictionary` WHERE `dict_type` = '1' ORDER BY `sort` ASC,`id` DESC [ RunTime:0.000414s ]
SELECT * FROM `tp_module` WHERE `model_name` = 'Cate' LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.000338s ]
SELECT * FROM `tp_field` WHERE `module_id` = 20 AND `field` = 'sort' LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.000545s ]
SELECT * FROM `tp_module` WHERE `model_name` = 'Cate' LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.000302s ]
SELECT `id` FROM `tp_module` WHERE `model_name` = 'Cate' LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.000232s ]
SELECT `field` FROM `tp_field` WHERE ( field = 'pid' OR field = 'parent_id' ) AND `module_id` = 20 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.000433s ]
SELECT `id`,`cate_name`,`parent_id` FROM `tp_cate` ORDER BY `sort` ASC,`id` DESC [ RunTime:0.000326s ]
SELECT `id` FROM `tp_cate` WHERE `module_id` = 19 [ RunTime:0.000358s ]
SELECT * FROM `tp_module` WHERE `model_name` = 'UsersType' LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.000360s ]
SELECT * FROM `tp_field` WHERE `module_id` = 6 AND `field` = 'sort' LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.000433s ]
SELECT * FROM `tp_module` WHERE `model_name` = 'UsersType' LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.000292s ]
SELECT `id` FROM `tp_module` WHERE `model_name` = 'UsersType' LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.000330s ]
SELECT `field` FROM `tp_field` WHERE ( field = 'pid' OR field = 'parent_id' ) AND `module_id` = 6 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.000521s ]
SELECT `id`,`name` FROM `tp_users_type` ORDER BY `sort` ASC,`id` DESC [ RunTime:0.000343s ]
SELECT * FROM `tp_field` WHERE `module_id` = 19 [ RunTime:0.000947s ]
SELECT * FROM `tp_module` WHERE `id` = 19 [ RunTime:0.000516s ]
SELECT * FROM `tp_dictionary_type` WHERE `id` IN (0,1) [ RunTime:0.000572s ]
SELECT * FROM `tp_field` WHERE `module_id` = 19 [ RunTime:0.001019s ]
SELECT * FROM `tp_module` WHERE `id` = 19 [ RunTime:0.000609s ]
SELECT * FROM `tp_dictionary_type` WHERE `id` IN (0,1) [ RunTime:0.000440s ]
SELECT * FROM `tp_field` WHERE `module_id` = 19 [ RunTime:0.000905s ]
SELECT * FROM `tp_module` WHERE `id` = 19 [ RunTime:0.000420s ]
SELECT * FROM `tp_dictionary_type` WHERE `id` IN (0,1) [ RunTime:0.000385s ]
SELECT * FROM `tp_field` WHERE `module_id` = 19 [ RunTime:0.000934s ]
SELECT * FROM `tp_module` WHERE `id` = 19 [ RunTime:0.000376s ]
SELECT * FROM `tp_dictionary_type` WHERE `id` IN (0,1) [ RunTime:0.000529s ]
SELECT * FROM `tp_field` WHERE `module_id` = 19 [ RunTime:0.001514s ]
SELECT * FROM `tp_module` WHERE `id` = 19 [ RunTime:0.000488s ]
SELECT * FROM `tp_dictionary_type` WHERE `id` IN (0,1) [ RunTime:0.000401s ]
SELECT * FROM `tp_field` WHERE `module_id` = 19 [ RunTime:0.001066s ]
SELECT * FROM `tp_module` WHERE `id` = 19 [ RunTime:0.000579s ]
SELECT * FROM `tp_dictionary_type` WHERE `id` IN (0,1) [ RunTime:0.000500s ]
SHOW FULL COLUMNS FROM `tp_link` [ RunTime:0.000831s ]
SELECT * FROM `tp_link` WHERE `status` = 1 ORDER BY `sort` ASC,`id` DESC [ RunTime:0.000445s ]
SELECT * FROM `tp_cate` WHERE `is_menu` = 1 ORDER BY `sort` ASC,`id` DESC [ RunTime:0.000706s ]
SELECT * FROM `tp_module` WHERE `id` IN (27,19,28,18,25) [ RunTime:0.000446s ]